What is the Best Bait for Rat Traps?

Best Bait for Rat Traps -

What is the Best Bait for Rat Traps?

Discovering the Best Bait for Rat Traps: Your Complete Guide

Unraveling the mystery of the most effective rat trap bait is a common pursuit, as evidenced by the abundance of online discussions and opinions. Before revealing the ultimate solution, let's explore essential considerations for addressing invasive rat infestations.

Understanding Invasive Rats:

Invasive rats, specifically brown rats (Norway rats) and black rats (roof rats), are non-native species in the United States and many other countries. It's crucial to distinguish them from native pack rats (woodrats), primarily found in US wooded areas. While pack rats may pose issues in certain situations, addressing them requires different actions. For more insights on pack rats and potential problems, click HERE.

group of roof rats

The Hazards of Rat Poison:

At Bait Cage, we strongly discourage the use of poisons or rodenticides. Not only do these cause prolonged suffering for rodents, but they also endanger friendly species like owls, hawks, bobcats, and mountain lions that may consume poisoned rodents. Rat poison is unsafe to keep around pets and children. To explore the dangers of rat poison further, click HERE.
Bait Cage contains no poison or toxic chemicals that can do harm to us or our wild animal friends. Bait Cage is on a mission to educate people about the dangers of rat poisons and rodenticides with this article.
Bait Cage is committed to providing products that are free from poison or toxic chemicals, ensuring the safety of both humans and wildlife. Our mission is to ensure you are aware of the hazards of rat poisons and rodenticides and provide a safer, more effective alternative.
Bait Cage kit contents include bait cage spread bait packet and three bait cage attachments all made in USA

Understanding a Rat's Diet:

At Bait Cage, extensive studies have been conducted on rat feeding diets and behavior, categorizing them into three main groups: 1) protein, 2) carbohydrates or sugar, and 3) water. Proteins are typically found in animal meat, fat, and tree nuts, with rats known to resort to cannibalism due to their insatiable craving for meat. Carbohydrates, in the form of sugar or converted sugar, are present in grains, seeds, and fruit. Rats, constantly searching for food, may establish infestations when they find a stable food source.

Popular Bait Options for Rat Traps:

Commonly used baits include peanut butter, Nutella, bacon, nuts, seeds, cheese, dried fruit, and chocolate. However, many of these popular choices may lack a sufficiently strong scent to entice rats, resulting in a failure to attract them to the snap trap or induce feeding upon encounter. In many cases, these popular baits will not meet the dietary needs of the rodents and be dismissed. Additionally, some food baits may quickly become stale or rotten, prompting rats to avoid the trap entirely. Because rats exhibit a high level of caution and wariness towards new stimuli, a behavior known as neophobia, baits used on traps must be exactly what the rodents are looking for and have a luring effect to draw them in.

rat not interested in bait and turned away from trap

Introducing the Bait Cage Spread Bait – The Game-Changer:

Learn about our revolutionary non-toxic bait, crafted after extensive field studies. Discover how our Sweet and Smoky Bait Cage Spread Bait entices rats irresistibly, ensuring effective trapping without harming wildlife.

Bait Cage bait spread packets made in USA

Our expertly crafted Sweet and Smoky Bait Cage Spread Bait is formulated and produced in the USA and incorporates irresistible ingredients that rats cannot resist. Its potent and delicious scent ensures rats are irresistibly drawn to your traps, triggering an unstoppable feeding response in their brains until they are securely captured.

With a generous shelf life, Bait Cage Spread Bait remains fresh and effective without going stale or spoiling. When used with the Bait Cage attachment on a snap-type rat trap, rest assured the rat will keep feeding until it's securely trapped. Click the image below to learn more about our specially formulated bait spread that is irresistible to rats, mice, and other rodents and effective in any kind of rodent trap.

Bait Cage spread bait contents includes meat fats, nuts, chocolate, and fruit

Bait Cage Kit for Rat Traps – The Complete Solution:

Our enhanced Bait Cage Kit for Rat Traps includes a packet of Bait Cage Spread Bait, providing more than enough food bait for all Bait Cage attachments in each kit, twice or more! Whether dealing with brown Norway rats or black roof rats, Bait Cage is your ultimate ally in attracting rats to traps, securely holding bait, and effectively resolving your rodent problem.

Click HERE to order the Bait Cage Kit for Rat Traps 4 Pack

As pioneers in studying and developing superior rat trap bait, we take immense pride in offering Bait Cage as a swift, safe, and humane solution to your rodent issues. Don't wait—try our improved Bait Cage Kit for Rat Traps today and witness remarkable results for yourself. Your rodent problem will soon be a thing of the past!

Rat caught in trap using bait cage attachment and bait

Click HERE to order the Bait Cage Kit for Rat Traps 2 Pack